Welcoming Emily Carr University of Art + Design to WestVault

December 19, 2019

COPPUL is pleased to welcome Emily Carr University of Art + Design into COPPUL's WestVault repository. Thanks to the work of Brandon Weigel, Manager of BCELN's Arca digital repository program and COPPUL's former CDSN coordinator, Corey Davis, COPPUL has entered into an informal agreement with BCELN to allow members of Arca to use the COPPUL WestVault services, and vice versa. The Arca platform fully automates the deposit of repository content into COPPUL's WestVault LOCKSS-based preservation network. This is the first successful automated integration of a standard repository platform and a distributed preservation storage service in the library sector. -- For more information, please contact the Vivian Stieda at COPPUL or Brandon Weigel at BCELN.