COPPUL Submission to NDRIO on Canada’s Digital Research Infrastructure

December 15, 2020

In response to NDRIO's call for white papers to assess the needs of Canada’s Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) community, COPPUL has submitted a white paper (English versionFrench version) that addresses smaller academic institutions' role in Canada's data research infrastructure (DRI). The paper was endorsed by Canada's other three regional consortia,  sous-comité des bibliothèques du Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI), the Council of Atlantic University Libraries Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l’Atlantique (CAUL-CBUA), and the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) whose belated endorsement is also attached.(OCUL endorsement)

 Special thanks to Rebecca Dickson, COPPUL's Digital Stewardship Network Coordinator, for authoring this paper in consultation with many others across the country, and to Ben Hyman for spearheading this initiative.

All submissions can be viewed on the NDRIO site:

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