COPPUL is very pleased to announce its partnership with Indspire to offer an Indigenous Student award to aspiring Indigenous library technicians, librarians and archivists. Indspire is a national Indigenous registered charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities. COPPUL is a Western Canadian academic library consortium that leverages its members’ collective expertise, resources, and influence to enhance learning, teaching, student experiences, and research at academic libraries in Western Canada.
We are very excited to be able to offer a total of $44,000 annually for the COPPUL Indigenous Student Award within Indspire’s Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards Program. The intention of this award is to support Indigenous students interested in pursuing a career in libraries or archives within Western Canada’s library community. The award will be offered to Indigenous students whose primary residence/community is in Western Canada. Students must be enrolled in any Library Technician or ALA-accredited master’s program or equivalent in Library and Information or Archival Studies at a post-secondary institution in Canada or abroad via an online program.
The Award: Two awards are available at $22,000 each. A description of the COPPUL Student Award is available at the Indspire site below. Please note that applications for this award go through Indspire. Once an application is completed, Indspire matches applications to every relevant award available through their Building Brighter Futures program. Prospective students do not apply specifically to the COPPUL award.
Award Website:
Deadlines for applications are August 01, November 01, and February 01
For more information, you can also contact the COPPUL Executive Director at