Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) Working Group


The Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) Working Group will be responsible for identifying options, challenges, and opportunities associated with CDL, and recommending next steps. The working group will complete its work by June 2023.

Principle objectives:

  • The CDL Working Group will explore the North American CDL landscape and consult with CARL and other consortia to prepare a briefing on CDL outlining:
    • Options for delivering CDL (e.g., Project ReShare, Internet Archive)
    • Challenges (e.g., financial, legal, technical)
    • Opportunities (e.g., sharing of rare materials, increased use of monographs)
  • Create recommendations for COPPUL on whether and how to proceed with CDL.  


  • Christina Winter, University of Regina
  • Rumi Graham University of Lethbridge Library
  • Althea Wheeler, University of Manitoba
  • Kate Langrell, University of Saskatchewan
  • CJ de Jong, University of Alberta (CHAIR)
  • Martin Warkentin, Fraser Valley University
  • Don Taylor, SFU
  • Linda Ryan, University of Calgary
  • Brenda Smith, Thompson Rivers University
  • Tobey Saniuk, University of Manitoba
  • Lara Wright, Vancouver Island University
Terms of Reference