CDSN Webinar (01/31): The Software Preservation Network, with Jessica Meyerson

January 24, 2019

When: Thursday January 31, 10 am Pacific / 12 pm Central

Please join the COPPUL Digital Stewardship Network (CDSN) for a series of webinars on digital preservation activities across COPPUL and beyond.

This session will feature Jessica Meyerson from the Software Preservation Network (SPN). Long-term access to software and software-dependent cultural heritage is an increasingly critical part of effective digital stewardship. The SPN is a "coordinated, distributed effort to ensure long term access to software through community engagement, infrastructure support and knowledge generation."

Staff at all COPPUL institutions at any knowledge level with an interest in digital preservation are encouraged to attend. Session are also open to the general public as space permits.

Connection information: Or Telephone (toll-free): +1 833 302 1536 Meeting ID: 485 033 780 International numbers available:

If you have any question, please contact COPPUL Digital Preservation Coordinator Corey Davis