E-Resources Selection and Assessment Working Group


The ERSAWG will assist the COPPUL Licensing Coordinator with review of electronic resources including developing strategies that support the assessment and selection of electronic resources at the local and consortial level.

The group will:

  • Provide negotiations support to the COPPUL Licensing Coordinator
  • Conduct an annual wish list survey of electronic resources and rank opportunities to collectively acquire for the benefit of member institutions
  • Regularly review and assess the list of electronic resources licensed by COPPUL to identify concerns and additional review needed to inform the Licensing Coordinator’s negotiating plans.
  • With the License Working Group, serve as a forum to share information best practices for negotiating, licensing, and managing electronic resources to support colleagues and develop expertise capacity within COPPUL.


The working group is open to full COPPUL members with an interest or expertise in electronic resources. The working group may have a combination of members with expertise and members with a keen interest to develop expertise in this area.

The working group consists of

  • Minimum of four and maximum of six full COPPUL members
  • COPPUL Licensing Coordinator
  • COPPUL Executive Director (ex-officio)

Calls for new members will be made by the Executive Director in April of each year and communicated broadly across the membership. Members should send expressions of interest to the Executive Director including a statement of experience with electronic resource selection. Members are selected by the Board, reflecting when possible the diversity of COPPUL membership (small, medium, and large institutions) and regional diversity. The Chair is chosen from the group. Members are selected for two and three year staggered terms. Members are listed on the COPPUL site.



  • Chair: Alex Snukal, University of Manitoba (September 2021 – August 2024)
  • Nicole Eva, University of Lethbridge (September 2021 – August 2024)
  • Eiman Elnoshokaty, Simon Fraser University (September 2021 – August 2024)
  • Sandy Stift, MacEwan University (August 2023 – 2026)
  • COPPUL Licensing Coordinator (ex-officio)
  • COPPUL Executive Director (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference