Indigenous Knowledge Standing Committee

Indigenous greetings

Equivalent of “hello” in the languages on the lands of COPPUL institutions:
tanisi, tan’si, tansi, taanshee, taanshi, taanishi, oki, anin edlánat’e, danit’ada, dadanast’ada, hau koda, e? hau kola, hau kona aba washded / âba wathtech ey swayel, ‘uy’ skweyul, Way’, waý, waytk, Wéytk,Weyt-k, yaw, yawc̓, nú, yáu, yaù yo hadi’, hadih, Hadih, Hadïh, ndio, danachea, Kalhwá7acw, čačim hihak kwaa, ?a?aa


With respect to Indigenous Knowledge, the Standing Committee (IKSC) facilitates communication among COPPUL institutions and identifies and fosters opportunities for collaborative action and partnership initiatives.

Indigenous ways of doing things

The IKSC recognizes that there are Indigenous ways of doing things. This includes a flattening of
hierarchies and an awareness that we are all teachers and learners. The governance and actions of the
committee shall reflect these values. Working within Indigenous ways of doing things also includes
recognizing that at times Indigenous approaches and authority may take precedence over existing
structures and authority. Understanding these values is necessary to decolonize the way that COPPUL
and academic libraries govern their committees.

Image Credit: UBC


  • Chair: Jessie Loyer, University of Alberta (September 2024-2026)
  • Michael Shires, University of Regina (September 2021-2025)
  • Kaia McLeod, University of Calgary (June 2023-2025)
  • Christina Neigel, Capilano University (February 2024-2026)
  • Claire Settee, University of Manitoba (April 2024-2026)
  • Taya Jardine, University of British Columbia (April 2024-2026)
  • COPPUL Indigenous Knowledge Coordinator (ex officio)
  • COPPUL Executive Director (ex officio)
Terms of ReferenceMinutes