About SCWG

The Scholarly Communications Working Group (SCWG) is charged with conducting research into open access and scholarly communications, and making recommendations to the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) Directors for supporting activities in these areas.

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for the SCWG were approved in September 2012 by the COPPUL Board of Directors and last revised in June 2021. 

Current members

  • Victoria Eke, SCWG Chair, Concordia University of Edmonton (AB, 2021/07-2025/06)
  • Andrea Szwajcer, University of Manitoba (AB, 2022/07-2026/06)
  • Erin May, Thompson Rivers University (BC, 2021/07-2025/06)
  • Ali Moore, Simon Fraser University (BC, 2021/07-2025/06)
  • Cassandra Larose, Royal Roads University (BC, 2023/07- 2027-06)
  • Kelley Wadson, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (AB, 2023/07-2027-06)

Past members

  • Tara Stephens-Kyte, University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Christina Winter, University of Regina (SK)
  • Kate Langrell, University of Saskatchewan (SK)
  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (AB)
  • Leonora Crema, University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Devina Dandar, Royal Roads University (BC)
  • DeDe Dawson, University of Saskatchewan (SK)
  • Elaine Fabbro, Athabasca University (AB)
  • Patty Gallilee, Simon Fraser University (BC)
  • Kathy Gaynor, Thompson Rivers University (BC)
  • Robyn Hall, MacEwan University (AB)
  • Michael Horner, University of Winnipeg (MB)
  • Mayu Ishida, University of Manitoba (MB)
  • Carmen Kazakoff – Lane, Brandon University (MB)
  • Inba Kehoe, University of Victoria (BC)
  • Joy Kirchner, University of British Columbia (BC)
  • Emma Scott, University of Lethbridge (AB)
  • Carol Shepstone, Mount Royal University (AB)
  • Marinus Swanepoel, University of Lethbridge (AB)
  • Rob Tiessen, University of Calgary
  • John Tooth, University of Winnipeg (MB)
  • Leah Vanderjagt, University of Alberta (AB)
  • Amanda Wakaruk, University of Alberta (AB)
  • Andrew Waller, University of Calgary (AB)