COPPUL CDSN Steering Committee Call for Nominations

June 6, 2019

The COPPUL Digital Stewardship Network (CDSN) delivers tools and services to help members build digital preservation capacity and undertake effective digital preservation activities, and it helps connect those activities with regional, national, and international efforts.

This is a call for nominations (including self-nominations) for up to three (3) eligible candidates to serve on the CDSN Steering Committee, which helps set strategic priorities for the Network and provides guidance on key issues facing its members.

Nominations are due on Thursday June 20th. Please include the following information in the nomination:

  • Contact information for the nominee
  • An indication of their willingness to serve
  • Brief biographical details and relevant professional experience
  • If applicable, endorsement from their University Librarian or other relevant supervisor

Please note that in addition to bi-monthly teleconference meetings throughout the year, there will be an annual meeting of the CDSN Steering Committee in conjunction with the Fall COPPUL Directors meeting. The next annual meeting of the CDSN Steering Committee will be held the morning of Thursday, September 12th in Lethbridge.

The following CDSN Steering Committee members will be continuing on after June 2019:

  • Ben Hyman, University Librarian, Vancouver Island University (term ends June 2020)
  • Mark Jordan, Associate Dean of Libraries, Digital Strategy, Simon Fraser University (term ends June 2020)
  • Valla McLean, University Archivist and Humanities Librarian, MacEwan University (term ends June 2020)
  • Todd Mundle (Chair), University Librarian, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (term ends June 2021)
  • Gabrielle Prefontaine, Dean of the Library, University of Winnipeg (term ends June 2021)
  • Dr. Umar Qasim, Digital Preservation Officer, University of Alberta (term ends June 2020)
  • Bronwen Sprout, Head of Library Digital Programs and Services, University of British Columbia (term ends June 2021)
  • Dale Storie, Associate University Librarian, Content Management and Discover, University of Regina (term ends June 2021)

If you have questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Kristina McDavid
COPPUL Executive Director

Todd Mundle
University Librarian, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
CDSN Steering Committee Chair