Our Community of Practice is growing!

June 19, 2024
Our Community of Practice is growing!

Over the past six months the CDSN Community of Practice Planning Committee has hosted three digital preservation mixers, bringing together preservation practitioners across Canada and even welcoming a few international colleagues. These mixers have been an opportunity to share digital preservation resources and make connections with folks at all levels of experience across libraries, archives, and museums, and featured lively discussion on topics such as workflows and policies, research data management, systems and platforms, as well as special presentations from our community members. Thank you all for your support and participation!

The Planning Committee has been taking the summer to regroup and refresh, and we're looking forward to planning our next round of activities. If you have any ideas for digital preservation topics or themes you'd like to see covered, or if you'd like to get involved in planning similar events, email us at cdsn@coppul.ca

Notes and resources from our previous mixers: December 14, 2023, January 25, 2024, April 18, 2024

We also have a Google Group where community members can share information on preservation topics and upcoming events: Sign up here