The COPPUL Digital Preservation Network and BC ELN invite you to a webinar that will provide an overview of the Arca Digital Repository.
When: Tuesday April 4th, 10 am PDT, 11 am MDT/CST, 12 noon CDT
How: To join the meeting:
Arca, based on a shared instance of the open source Islandora Digital Repository Framework, is a collaborative initiative that puts the development and implementation of a digital repository within reach for every institution, at a reasonable cost, and in a supported environment (
Through an agreement signed in 2016 (, COPPUL members can participate in Arca, and Arca participants will have access to an emerging set of COPPUL digital preservation services, including preservation storage and processing using Archivematica and LOCKSS.
This session will provide an overview of Arca and its basic functionality, as well as planned future developments. It will also look briefly at COPPUL's digital preservation services and the plans afoot for their integration with Arca. There will be lots of time for questions and discussion.
Please note, for those unable to attend, the session will be recorded. For folks that have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before:
For more information, contact:
Corey Davis
Digital Preservation Network Manager
Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL)
(250) 472-5024 office
(778) 677-5746 cell