Preservation Infrastructure Working Group

The Preservation Infrastructure Working Group (PIWG) guides the CDSN’s efforts to build and support community-based digital preservation infrastructure at the regional, national, and international levels. Inclusive access to this evolving set of tools helps our members tackle the grand challenges associated with preserving digital information for future generations.


The Preservation Infrastructure Working Group (PIWG) supports the COPPUL Digital Stewardship Network Standing Committee (CDSN SC) in its efforts to manage and further develop COPPUL’s preservation infrastructure. Reporting to the CDSN SC, and working in close collaboration with the CDSN Coordinator, the PIWG is an action-oriented working group that provides direction around preservation infrastructure strategy, operations, policy, and service planning. 

This includes overseeing development of COPPUL's hosted services, WestVault and Archivematica-as-a-Service.

Connect, participate, or learn more

To discuss joining the PIWG, to learn about its work, or to chat about opportunities for collaboration around preservation infrastructure, please contact the CDSN Coordinator.


  • Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University
  • Bronwen Sprout, University of British Columbia
  • Natalie Vielfaure, Chair. University of Manitoba
  • Guanwen (Henry) Zhang, University of Alberta
  • Y.G. Rancourt, COPPUL (ex officio)
Terms of ReferenceMinutes